Walking in the Lake District

12 January 2013

On Saturday we took a short drive to the Lake District to White Moss Common/Penny Rock Woods and then onto Grasmere/River Rothray to do a couple of walks from the Lake District Guide book – Miles without Stiles – which we purchased so that we could take the kids and a pushchair on easy walks in the Lakes.

Penny Rock Walkhttp://www.lakedistrict.gov.uk/visiting/outdoors/mileswithoutstiles/mws9

Grasmere Walkhttp://www.lakedistrict.gov.uk/visiting/outdoors/mileswithoutstiles/mws10

The book is a worthwhile purchase even though you can download the walks from the website, it is still of value to support the author/publishers by buying the actual book, especially as when we bought it they gave us the updates in the shop.

The two walks were simple enough, the walk through the woods wasn’t really suitable for a pushchair but we managed. The walk around Grasmere was lovely and as before we had a very acceptable light lunch in Grasmere, at the Garden Centre, beforehand.

We also took along Grandma Linda so that she could try the Gluten Free cafes we found in Grasmere on New Year’s Day and so she could be out with the kids without needing to have childminding duties and just enjoy being with family (though as usual she insisted on wanting to grab the kids to give them attention). Unfortunately it being the off season, both of the cafes were closed.

However, the Lakes seem to bend over to make sure they have at least a few meals suited to people with dietary requirements, part of the effect of tourism. They could just be Machiavellian and move to the profitable masses, it is nice to see they want to please all. So we still managed to make sure Grandma was happy and fed as the specials, soups and two mains on the limited, but tasty, garden centre menu were Gluten Free.

The fresh air seemed to be good for everyone, the weather was pleasant and there were stunning views. I was driving but I did get to see a great sunset over Windemere, red skies, snow covered hills, calm waters – just perfect – I never caught it on camera but another time will have to suffice.

Anyway on to the pictures I did take – these are all from a phone:

Penny Rock Woods
Penny Rock Woods
Steep pathway
Steep pathway
Canoeists on the river
Canoeists on the river
Close up Coowes
Close up Coowes
Well signposted
Well signposted
View from Grasmere car park
View from Grasmere car park
Grasmere from the riverside path
Grasmere from the riverside path
Looking out over the valley
Looking out over the valley
Same valley, same dramatic skies
Same valley, same dramatic skies