Want, go to, Le-go Land…
Saturday, 2nd March 2013 We went to the Trafford Centre in Manchester at the weekend, the principal reason for going was that Daddy wanted to visit the Northern Model Show which was on at the Event City space next door to the shopping centre. The biggest draw for Ben, however, was the LegoLand Discovery Centre…
Who’s The Boss
Thursday 28th February – Friday 1st March The last two days have seen an interesting change in the Keating household. Just a small change however. Leigh had to be at work and Grandma was away so daddy got to take some time away from the office to spend with his boys. There was some small…
Felt Like Kismet…
Wednesday, 20th February 2013 There are some days where you just feel that the whole of the world is designed to cause you some level of failure. Laws regarding large numbers would deem this collision of events inevitable, and chaos theory would likely indicate that the smallest element was the cause as a tumble effect…
Good Day Fire Kitty
Today Ben started his first conversation with us in the car on the way home from nursery without us asking about his day, he initiated it about Spanish. This is all because Ben has started Spanish Lessons at nursery…okay scroll back and start again. Last year the nursery brought a Spanish teacher in to teach…
Beautiful Brockhole
Saturday 2nd February Today we went for a drive to the Lake District once more. It was predicted to be a clear, if crisp, day and the first day that Leigh has felt well enough to walk a little since being in hospital with pneumonia. Fearing that if we went too far she would get…
Techno stop morion
We have been playing with stop motion, mostly Dad and Ben but early tests seem to indicate that silliness will ensue in years to come. Following is mash up number one all done with an iPhone. Your browser does not support the video tag
Spooky Sheep
Sunday, 6th January 2013 We went for a walk in the early morning on Sunday, the weather was mild for January and as wet as usual so a fine mist was present everywhere. We saw some sheep in a field and Ben had already declared the day to be ‘spooky’ so these were Spooky Sheep.
Blackpool 3rd January
The kids had a massive break over Christmas but Leigh and I had to continue working so we shared the duties of looking after the children between us with the always grateful help of Grandma Linda. On the Thursday I decided to take them both to Blackpool so we could go into the Aquarium and…
Layla and Ben meet Santa
So, yesterday Ben got to meet Santa (in the guise of a bearded Welsh chap, real beard, actually Welsh) at a local playgroup near to his Great Nans. Layla was happy to meet Santa and rewarded everyone with a huge cheery smile, Ben was less pleased. He did me proud (this is not sarcasm), Santa…
Ben’s Xmas Drawing
This year Benjamin has shown an interesting prescience and drawn an xmas tree. Well, he did a drawing and we think it looked a lot like an xmas tree and it is being used in all of the Christmas cards that we are handmaking this year (a limited run of 29) for various family and…