Song Mouse
While we were at Folly Farm Ben took me to see the mice as he wanted to sing to them. Which he did. A while nursery rhyme. So proud. This specific post was created using WordPress for Android on a mobile phone. This explains but not excuses any incorrect or unusual typography, brevity or formatting.
La La Legoland
Wednesday and Thursday, 3rd-4th July 2013 This week we went to LegoLand, Windsor, as part of Ben’s Birthday Celebrations. I risk the ire of my friends who live in the south as I write this who would have loved to see us but the schedule was way to fierce for me to contemplate any other…
Whitehaven Wandering
Wednesday, 24th July 2013 In the afternoon, after we had dropped Jane at Cockermouth, we went with Jess and James into Cockermouth for a short lunch before a travel to the Cumbria coastline. In Cockermouth we found a small music shop where we purchased a cheap Yukelele for Benjamin as he keeps on wanting to…
A Puppy
Leigh asked Ben if he wanted a puppy this morning and he said: “Yes. A brown one. With a head. And a tail. And googly eyes. And a smiley face. And a car!” We think he might have been talking about Slinky Dog rather than a real puppy!
Sunny times at Nana’s House
Saturday 13 July 2013 Leigh wanted to go to a Camp Nano meeting today so Markie and the boys decided to take a trip to see Nana and visit the convalescing Auntie Kathryn. It was another sunny day, in fact it was the warmest seen this year, so far, in Newton. It was an easy…
Lazing on a sunny afternoon…NOT!
Saturday, 6th April 2013 After the mid-week expense and long drive to Windsor today we took a more relaxed view of what we wanted to do. It was already starting to be a great weekend as the weather was sunny and the kids wanted to go to the beach. To save daddy a drive in…
La La Legoland
Wednesday and Thursday, 3rd-4th July 2013 This week we went to LegoLand, Windsor, as part of Ben’s Birthday Celebrations. I risk the ire of my friends who live in the south as I write this who would have loved to see us but the schedule was way to fierce for me to contemplate any other…
On the Bus
29 June 2013 Ben and elliott playing on the same ride at Toys R Us This specific post was created using WordPress for Android on a mobile phone. This explains but not excuses any incorrect or unusual typography, brevity or formatting.
3rd Birthday
28 June 2013 Ben was at nursery for his third birthday and mummy and daddy had to work. He was fortunate enough to have all the children at nursery sing to him and get cake that was brought in for him. In the evening we took him out for a curry at the Khashish Indian…
Seaside Frolics
Friday, 21st June 2013 One of the advantages to having a car now is that when Markie picks up Leigh, Ben and Elliott from nursery on a Friday, and the weather is good, he can take the magical mystery back route to Morecambe. This is a pretty clear run (about twenty minutes) to the seaside.…